After Sun - Affiche de la 62e Semaine de la Critique

After Sun - Affiche de la 62e Semaine de la Critique

After Sun movie poster directed by Charlotte Wells. Photo taken by Sarah Makharine.  ​
Paul Mescal and Frankie Corio in After Sun. ​Photos taken by Sarah Makharine.  ​

Paul Mescal and Frankie Corio in After Sun. 


Paul Mescal in After Sun. 

Frankie Corio and Paul Mescal  by the pool. After Sun - Directed by Charlotte Wells. Photo taken by Sarah Makharine.  ​

Paul Mescal and Frankie Corio by the pool.

​Paul Mescal and Frankie Corio directed by Charlotte Wells in After Sun.

Paul Mescal and Frankie Corio on a boat.

Frankie Corio (Sophie) in her bedroom. Photo taken by Sarah Makharine.  ​

Sophie in her bed room.

Paul Mescal in his bath. Oscar nominee for his role in After Sun. Photo taken by Sarah Makharine.

Paul Mescal in his bath. 

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